At last the better weather is here and were all getting out more with our dogs. Unfortunately ticks are also around. Ticks are small parasites that attach themselves to our dogs when they walk and play in grass and woods.
When you find a tick on your dog its important to know how to remove them as they cant just be pulled off as they bury their heads in our dogs skin. The pdsa has lots of great information and videos demonstrating how to remove them correctly and safely. https://www.pdsa.org.uk/pet-help-and-advice/pet-health-hub/conditions/how-to-remove-a-tick-from-a-dog-or-cat
Your vet can also advise you tick preventative treatments which are suitable for your pet.

Puppy Training & Socialisation
Welcome to Simply Pawsitive we offer puppy and dog training classes in Falkirk and one to one training.

Group Dog Training
Welcome to Simply Pawsitive we offer puppy and dog training classes in Falkirk and one to one training.

One to One Training
Welcome to Simply Pawsitive we offer puppy and dog training classes in Falkirk and one to one training.