It’s been great to go for a walk on a few dry bright days recently, especially after all the rain. I noticed that flowers are starting to grow and whilst this is welcome sight it does remind me to take care.
Both of my dogs love sniffing and tasting things on walks. However, common flowers like snowdrops and daffodils can be poisonous to our pets.
It’s a good idea to be aware of what is growing in your garden and places our dogs like to explore. There are lots of great websites with information about what plants can make our dogs unwell and luckily for me they have photos since my plant knowledge is lacking!
Here are some to have a look at:

Puppy Training & Socialisation
Welcome to Simply Pawsitive we offer puppy and dog training classes in Falkirk and one to one training.

Group Dog Training
Welcome to Simply Pawsitive we offer puppy and dog training classes in Falkirk and one to one training.

One to One Training
Welcome to Simply Pawsitive we offer puppy and dog training classes in Falkirk and one to one training.