One to One Dog and Puppy Training in Falkirk & West Lothian
Simply Pawsitive also offers one to one sessions for dog and puppy training.
Perhaps classes don’t suit your schedule, or you feel your dog would benefit from individual attention. Our one to one sessions are tailored to the needs of you and your dog or puppy. Each session lasts up to 90 minutes, takes place at your home or local park and will focus on the things that are important to you.
What will you and your dog learn at our sessions?
Training can be tailored to meet the needs of your dog or puppy. Generally, these sessions cover:
If your having any issues you’d like to cover, get in touch to discuss personalised one to on training sessions
Teaching you how to train your dog
Simply Pawsitive one to one training sessions focus on building the foundations of dog and puppy training, and teaching you the techniques and skills to continue. There are no secrets, no hidden tricks, to our methods. By the end of the session, you will know the positive training techniques needed to teach your dog or puppy new skills.
A 90 minute one to one training session costs £60. After the session we provide free and ongoing support by phone and email, if you have any questions or need support. Training will take place at Callendar Park Falkirk or the Helix Falkirk. It is possible to meet at other parks or your home but due increasing petrol costs additional travel costs will apply.
One to One Life Skills Course
Simply Pawsitive offer an ongoing one to one training course, with three separate lesson, each lasting around 90 minutes.
Training sessions are tailored to meet the needs of you dog or puppy. Unlike our individual one to one training sessions, this course is made up of several lessons, spread over a few days or weeks. This allows you to practice with your dog between lessons, and is appropriate if your dog or puppy needs a little extra help.
This three session course costs £150, with each session lasting around 90 minutes. Training will take place at Callendar Park Falkirk or the Helix Falkirk. It is possible to meet at other parks or your home but due increasing petrol costs additional travel costs will apply.

Puppy Training & Socialisation
Practical puppy training, ensuring you have a happy puppy who is well-behaved.

Group Dog Training
Dog training classes in Callendar Park Falkirk suitable for all breeds and all ages.

One to One Training
Simply Pawsitive also offers one to one sessions for dog and puppy training.